Why are home evaluations for seniors important?
We’re here to help you uncover safety hazards and implement improvements.
- 1 in 4 Older Adults Reported Falling in 2018 = 34 million falls
Expected falls to reach 52 million by 2030. (CDC Older Adult Falls Fact Sheet) - Most Fall Injuries Occur Inside the Home
55% of fall injuries amount older people occur inside the home. (Age Safe America: Home Safety for Seniors = Statistics and Solutions) - Many Fall Injuries Occur Outside Near the Home
23% of fall injuries occur just outside near the home. (Age Safe America: Home Safety for Seniors = Statistics and Solutions) - Medical Costs for Non-Fatal Falls in 2015
The cost of non-fatal falls in 2015 reached $50 billion dollars. (https://www.cdc.gov/homeandrecreationalsafety/falls/data/fallcost.htm)

Unmet need for bathing and toileting equipment.
42% of individuals 65+ lacked grab bars or bath chairs to help them bathe and toilet. design collections have everything you need to design beautiful block-powered websites with just a few clicks. Unmet need for equipment to help with bathing and toileting for older US adults. (Lam, Shi, Boscardin ~2021)

Most fall injuries occur inside or just near the home.
While the statics show that 1 in 4 Americans over age 65 fall each year. Falling isn’t inevitable, and most falls can be prevented with a willingness to make a few changes. Offer yourself or loved one the confidence of safety in a home evaluation. Contact us today to learn more about the benefits of a home safety evaluation.